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COMI Aerospace

To improve the browsing experience, this site uses “cookies”. Cookies are small pieces of data that are temporarily stored in the memory of your browser. The data collected through cookies allow you to compare new and past visitors, understand how users navigate the website, and in general allow a better experience of using the site.
Cookies do not record any personal information about a user and any identifiable data will not be stored. If you want to disable the use of cookies, you need to customize your computer settings by setting the deletion of all cookies or activating a warning message when the cookies are stored. To proceed without changing the application of cookies, simply continue browsing.
Visit for more information on cookies and how they influence your browsing experience.



These cookies are essential for browsing the entire site and for the use of all its features, such as accessing the various protected areas of the site. Without these cookies, some necessary services, such as filling out a form for a competition, cannot be used.


Cookies allow the site to remember the choices made by the user (such as name, language or region of origin) and provide advanced personalized features. These cookies can also be used to remember changes made to text size, fonts and other parts of web pages that can be customized. They can also be used to provide services you have asked for such as watching a video or commenting on a blog. The information collected by these types of cookies can be made anonymous and unable to monitor your browsing activity on other websites. By using our site, the user accepts that these cookies can be installed on their device.


It is possible to configure the browser used for navigation to eliminate or to prevent the installation of cookies, but the deactivation of some cookies could prevent the correct functioning of the site.
The user can check which cookies are installed, what their duration is and delete them. the steps to perform these operations differ from browser to browser.

Here are the links to the instructions for the most popular browsers:
Internet Explorer


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